Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama's ACORN Tree

Obama: "I’ve been fighting alongside Acorn on issues you care about my entire career…" (Steven Malanga, "Organizer In Chief," [New York] City Journal, Summer 2008)

With massive voter fraud investigations in 14 states, ACORN has become a household name these days with investigations being reported on every day, Mickey Mouse being registered to vote, ACORN bribing people with cigarettes and money to register 73 times, dead people being put on voter rolls because ACORN registered them, underage children (7 years old) being registered and pets receiving applications.... all this and more has been reported just in the last months.

At the bottom of this post there will be a link to all WUA's ACORN articles.

Now a new site helps every understand the Barack Obama connections with ACORN, set up with a family tree named the Obama ACORN tree, found here.

When you click on the individual areas they explain the Obama connections in an easy to read and follow manner.

Go. Visit. See for yourself how closely tied to Obama this organization and their illegal activities are.

More details on the Barack Obama/Acorn connection found at BarackBook.

Previously at WUA about ACORN.
