Friday, October 17, 2008

Liberal Radio Host, Ed Schultz Storms Off Fox & Friends, Over Obama's Socialist Tax Plan

HEH, when they cannot stand the heat they run away with their tails between their legs.

H/T NewsBusters and YouTube URL here, video below.

From NewsBusters, the scene is set:

After discussing the state of the current presidential campaign, the issue of Joe Wurzelbacher -- the Ohio man who recently challenged Obama over how the candidate's tax plan would negatively impact him if he bought into a plumbing business he was looking at -- surfaced.

Malzberg was first up, and claimed that Obama's plan "takes the incentive out of America; that's Marxism, my friend. Marxism."

Then Schultz says "Well, let me speak from experience. EA Schultz Construction is a company run by my two boys, and I can tell you we've looked at both plans, we really like the Obama plan. We're gonna get some tax credits that we wouldn't get under the McCain plan..."

At that point, Malzberg smartly asked, "Do you make more than 250, Ed? Does it make more than 250?"

Schultz responded: “I didn’t interrupt you, Steve. I didn't interrupt you."

Malzberg retorted, "I just asked you a perfect question."

Schultz whined, "This happens every time I go on the air with you."

Malzberg chided, “Aw, stop complaining.”

Schultz continued, “You always torpedo everybody you go up against.”
At this point, host Brian Kilmeade simply asked Schultz, "Are they (Democrats) right to attack him?"

Well, that was all Schultz was willing to take, for he then left the chair he was sitting in from his remote location without a word just leaving a screenshot of the books behind him.

Guess he really didn't want to answer the question!!!!

Fact is, while Obamabots are busily trying to discredit "Joe the Plumber", Schultz is the perfect example of why they want to focus on poor Joe instead of Obama's socilaist tax plan... it is because they cannot justify their own candidate's policy, so they have to try to distract.

I see it in threads all over the web, even here at WUA on any thread dealing with "Joe The Plumber" and Obama's "spread the wealth" comment which now everybody has seen reported or heard for themselves.

The socialist agenda has been exposed and Obama supporters everywhere are desperate to try to change the subject.

That is the bottom line.

Obama was right when he told supporters that Democrats know how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, his careless, for once truthful answer of "spread the wealth", might just be his campaigns way of doing just that.

More at MediaBistro.
