Friday, October 17, 2008

Dear Freedom's Watch Supporter:

Via email from Freedom's Watch:

Barack Obama has finally come clean about his plans to redistribute wealth through a combination of tax hikes and other dubious gimmicks.

Speaking to an Ohio plumber concerned about his tax plan, Obama said that higher taxes on small businesses were necessary to "spread the wealth around" to those with lesser income. Investor's Business Daily called this notion "socialist economics."

The way to create true prosperity is through tax cuts, not tax hikes. President John F. Kennedy promoted his tax cuts by arguing that a rising tide lifts all boats. He understood that a general prosperity benefited everyone. But by punishing success and taxing the small business owners who create prosperity, Obama apparently expects the boats to raise the tide.

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal exposes the truth behind Obama's claim that 95% of "working families" will get a tax cut under his plan even though more than a third of Americans don't pay any income tax right now. How does he accomplish such a feat? By giving those who currently pay no taxes "refundable" tax credits, which are essentially direct transfer payments. As the Journal puts, "Once upon a time we called this 'welfare'."

Tax hikes on small businesses and redistribution of wealth schemes are just the opposite of what our country needs right now. Freedom's Watch has been active in educating Americans all around the country about the dangers higher taxes pose to working families and our economy. Check out some of the latest ads that we've been running in Oregon, North Carolina, Nevada, New Jersey, and elsewhere.

We hope you like the ads and will join us in our efforts to keep America free and prosperous.


Ari Fleischer
Former White House Press Secretary
and Freedom's Watch Board Member
