Friday, August 17, 2007

YID with LID

I am going to point you towards a very thought provoking post at Yid with Lid.


Wow France the bastion of liberalism has a program where they monitor all of the all 1,700 mosques and Muslim places of worship throughout France in the country for terrorism, anti-Semitism and al-Qaeda connections. That sure puts our little wire-tapping program to shame. Supporters of this program see it as a key reason why there has not been a terrorist attack on French territory in eleven years (well that and the fact that the Chirac government has taken every opportunity possible to kiss the terrorists' hind quarters)

Can you imagine anyone even suggesting this in the US? Screams of Profiling, invading privacy, separation of church and state (fixing bingo?). I for one would welcome surveillance of all religious institutions in America. Let the listeners find a little religion. Let them listen in to a synagogue and hear for the 10,000th time the same "today I am a man" speech given by a Bar Mitzvah boy or sleep through the Synagogue President's Kol Nidre donation appeal. I will warn you that at congregational meetings you can hear threats of violence but it is just words. My Shul is open to anyone..would American Mosques make the same claim? Come on guys..have a listen you can even join us for a little L'Chaim schnapps at the oneg.

Go read the rest and tell me your thoughts.
