Friday, August 17, 2007

Thompson would work to overturn Roe vs Wade

The Political Ticker reports that Fred Thompson says he will be entering the race "shortly, if elected President he would work to overturn Roe and work to protect states from being forced to honor gay marriages from another state.

DES MOINES, Iowa (CNN) – Likely Republican White House hopeful Fred Thompson told CNN Friday that he would work to overturn Roe v. Wade if elected president, and would push for a constitutional amendment that protects states from being forced to honor gay marriages performed in other states.

“I don’t think that one state ought to be able to pass a law requiring gay marriage or allowing gay marriage and have another state be required to follow along,” Thompson told CNN’s John King in an interview Friday.

Thompson added that the U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion “was bad law and bad medicine.”

Then we have his stance about Iraq:

On the issue of Iraq, Thompson refused to provide a timeline for how much longer US forces would remain in the country under his administration, but said, “We need to make every effort to make sure that we don’t get run out of there with our tail between our legs before we’ve done the job of securing that place.”

I will say that I do not agree with Fred Thompson on all issues, then again, I think it is healthy to be able to disagree about certain things and still believe that on issues I feel are high priority, I can stand behind him.

He takes his stand and he doesn't change that stance because of polls.

Principles. Something not a lot of the presidential candidates have and I think he does.

This should be interesting.

Tracked back by:
The Multi (and confusing) Sides of Rudy Giuliani from Stormwarning's Counterterrorism...
Hillary's nude pictures, and other political news from Right Truth...

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