Saturday, August 04, 2007

Yearly/Daily Kos refuses to let a soldier speak

We brought this to you yesterday, showing how the Kossacks, the liberal Democrats, the Kos convention where Hillary Clinton as well as other Democratic Presidential candidates are PARTICIPATING IN, how this group actually "supports our troops", by refusing to let them ask a question, by escorting a soldier out because they couldn't answer what this soldiers was asking.

Like ripping the roof off of hell and exposing the liars and frauds inside.

But someone did give this soldier a chance to speak and that was Pajamas Media, and they also bring you this fine soldiers words via video, in an interview.

Go, Listen to the interview.

I wonder if Clinton and crew are going to claim they still support our troops.

Others discussing this:

Hot Air, Little Green Footballs, BLACKFIVE, IMAO, Roger L. Simon, Kesher Talk,, Blogs of War, Ian Schwartz, Don Surber, Riehl World View, Neptunus Lex, (Via memeorandum)

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