Saturday, August 04, 2007

Under pressure...under pressure...

Remember the old Queen/David Bowie song, Under Pressure? Hit song, the backbeat of which was the subject of a lawsuit because of Vanilla Ice using it for HIS song Ice Ice Baby without permission?

Is that the theme song for our current seated Congress?

I've been watching CSPAN for a bit this afternoon, and I have to say, for Congress to be whining about how that they're "Under Pressure" in regards to the FISA bill, which they've had before them to handle since APRIL, they seem to be discussing everything BUT.

And Congress deserves their recent pay raise for this session?

What have they done, actually, that warrants a pay raise? They've managed to rename a few post offices. Is that what the people sent them to Congress to do? This is progressive work? This is the "change" that the Democrats said that the people of this country wanted? I ask you this, you being the American public, are doctored votes, surrender politics, retreat policies, retreat FROM retreat policies, higher taxes, and hypocritical smoke and mirror tactics regarding the Unites States Attorneys what you voted for?

Are you, those of you who claim to be Democrats, so hypocritical that you're willing to have the President and the United States Attorney General taken to task for doing exactly the same thing that President Clinton and Attorney General Reno did? Which, I might add, was completely and totally LEGAL in both instances.

Do you Democrats want political posturing instead of substantial policy?

Do you Democrats really think that there would be that substantial a difference in having our troops here at home rather than having them deployed and fighting our enemies?

Do you Democrats really think that radical Islamic extremists, who were attacking our country BEFORE 9/11, are really going to just stop if we abandon the Middle East tomorrow?

Here's a good one from the past few days; do you Democrats REALLY think that George W. Bush is responsible for the bridge collapse in Minnesota? Do you really NOT understand that the funds WERE THERE for improvements, but that those funds were used for building the Twins a new ball field and stadium and other pet projects INSTEAD of being used for road improvements, having been allocated by LOCAL political figures for those things?

Do you Democrats have ANY CAPACITY at all for accepting ANY responsibility without pointing blaming fingers at everyone else but those who are truly responsible for things?

Or are you so brainwashed by the main stream media and the Democratic National Party and the quasi religion of liberalism that reality is out of your range of vision now?

The rest of us are waiting with baited breath for answers to these questions and more...

It's time to call upon ourselves as individuals to take responsibility for ourselves and for our nation as a whole. In the process of this, we HAVE to make our elected officials accountable for doing something PRODUCTIVE, not for partisan politics not as usual, but far worse than at any other time that I personally remember since the Carter administration.

Our nation has not been this divided since reaching the Compromise of 185o, and look where, ten years later, we wound up anyway. For those of you who slept through your history classes, that would what is popularly called the Civil War.

History does repeat itself, people, because we don't learn the lessons of it.

Once and Always, an American Fighting Man

Netflix, Inc.
