Monday, August 20, 2007

Elvira Arellano Deported Back to Mexico:ONE DOWN

On July 3rd, 2007, Maggie from Maggie's Notebook cross posted here about Elvira Arellano, and illegal immigrant taking sanctuary in a church to be stopped from being deported.

This is exactly why Americans did not want the Immigration Reform Bill. We have allowed an illegal alien to take sanctuary in a church and thumb her nose at deportation. She has been inside Chicago's Adalberto United Methodist Church (drat! wouldn't you know it's Methodist!) for almost a year now.

With the failure of Senate Bill 1639, the sanctuaried Elvira Arellano, has called for a "Campaign of Resistance." According to LaRaza Newspaper, Arellano is demanding "an immediate moratorium on all raids and deportations." AND SHE PLANS on "bringing this government and this economy to a halt." Lots of people are listening.

Last night the story broke that Elvira Arellano had been arrested, finally.

LOS ANGELES (AP) - An illegal immigrant who took refuge in a Chicago church for a year to avoid being separated from her U.S.-born son has been deported to Mexico, the church's pastor said.

Elvira Arellano became an activist and a national symbol for illegal immigrant parents as she defied her deportation order and spoke out from her religious sanctuary. She held a news conference last week to announce that she would finally leave the church to try to lobby U.S. lawmakers for change.

She had just spoken at rally Los Angeles rally when she was arrested Sunday outside Our Lady Queen of Angels church and deported, said the Rev. Walter Coleman, pastor of Adalberto United Methodist Church in Chicago, where Arellano had been living.

"She has been deported. She is free and in Tijuana," said Coleman, who said he spoke to her on the phone. "She is in good spirits. She is ready to continue the struggle against the separation of families from the other side of the border."

Her 8-year-old son, Saul, is now living with Coleman's family. During a news conference in Los Angeles after Arellano's arrest, the boy hid behind the pastor's wife and wiped away tears.

Arellano had said on Saturday that she was not afraid of being taken into custody by immigration agents.

"From the time I took sanctuary, the possibility has existed that they arrest me in the place and time they want," she said in Spanish. "I only have two choices. I either go to my country, Mexico, or stay and keep fighting. I decided to stay and fight."

Arellano, 32, arrived in Washington state illegally in 1997. She was deported to Mexico shortly afterward, but returned and moved to Illinois in 2000, taking a job cleaning planes at O'Hare International Airport.


Anti-illegal immigrant groups said the arrest was long overdue.

"Just because the woman has gone public and made an issue of the fact that she is defying law doesn't mean the government doesn't have to do its job," said Ira Mehlman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which favors limits on immigration.

People need to start realizing that we have laws and if they break those laws by coming here illegally, there will be ramifications, if they stay illegally and have children, they cannot expect us to turn a blind eye to the fact that they are criminals by breaking our laws and take advantage of this country and expect us to feel sympathy for them because they will be separated from their children.

THAT is what they needed to think about before breaking our laws.

It is their responsibility to come here legally. It is their responsibility to apply for legal status. It is their responsibility to understand what this will do to their children.

Elvira Arellano's irresponsibility has now cost her child a mother.

Related articles:
Sanctuary Cities and Our Republican Candidates.
"Tell Me Why They Had To Die."
Sanctuary Cities: A Call To Action.

Others discussing this:(via memeorandum)
Captain's Quarters, POLITOPICS, JammieWearingFool, Gateway Pundit, Debbie Schlussel and Blue Crab Boulevard

Fausta's blog, Don Surber, Stop The ACLU, Blue Crab Boulevard, A Blog For All, Lone Star Times, The Corner, Wizbang, Hot Air,, Scared Monkeys and Daily Pundit

Tracked back by:
Call the Wambulance from Stix Blog...
Elvira Arellano Deported. Yes, Again. from Cop The Truth

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