Friday, August 03, 2007

al-Qaida terrorist attack on Congress?

Why on earth would al-Qaeda attack congress, they are al-Qaeda's best friends??!!!

Nevertheless we see Raw Story reporting a story by Roll Call, which says exactly that.

From Roll Call:

Capitol Police officials have stepped up the department’s security presence on Capitol Hill in response to intelligence indicating the increased possibility of an al-Qaida terrorist attack on Congress sometime between now and Sept. 11.

From The Raw Story:

An unnamed Capitol Police source told Roll Call that Congressional security officials were recently made aware of the potential threat by federal anti-terrorism authorities.

“Given the world situation and recently released snippet from al-Qaida threatening to attack Washington, we’re just being a tad more vigilant if that’s possible,” Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Terrance Gainer told the Capitol Hill newspaper. “Although, if you’re ready for a four-alarm fire at any time, it’s hard to be more vigilant.”

Gainer, who chairs the Capitol Police Board, said he noticed an increased police presence on the Hill, but he would not disclose to the newspaper any specific threats or dates.

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Excerpts from Roll Call:

When asked about the significance of the approaching sixth anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, Gainer, the former chief of the Capitol Police, said, “The interesting thing with any dates is that analysts tell us that Americans tend to be much more oriented toward anniversaries and the jihadists seem to be less so. I’ve seen over the years where we concentrate on dates and the analysts say, ‘Don’t get wrapped up in dates because our terrorist jihadist enemies bide their time.’”

Rep. Zach Wamp (R-Tenn.), who helps oversee Capitol campus issues as ranking member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch, would only say Thursday that “the leaders of the committees of jurisdiction have been briefed on threats to the Capitol.”

Without mentioning a specific threat to the Capitol, Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.) ominously advised Thursday that Congress needed to pass changes to terrorist surveillance laws before leaving for the August recess and warned that otherwise “the disaster could be on our doorstep.”

When asked if people should leave Washington, D.C., during the month of August, Lott responded, “I think it would be good to leave town in August, and it would probably be good to stay out until September the 12th.”

I may think Congress is one of the most dysfunctional bodies we have, especially after watching it today and after last nights chaos, but I do not think any chances should be taken, security wise to ensure their worthless hides are protected.

The Jawa Report points out that perhaps this picture is one of the major reasons security has been heightened.

Good point, but why the assumption that it is Congress that al-Qaeda will go after? Have the Democrats not forced America's surrender quick enough for them? It sure hasn't been from a lack of effort to do just that.

I still do not understand that.

[Update] No big surprise that the left is poo pooing the threat.

More at memeorandum.
