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Thursday, September 06, 2012

Video- Buyer's Remorse? Explain Why At Break Up With Obama Website

By Susan Duclos

The RNC present, "The Breakup."

 Via CBS News:

The Republican National Committee on Thursday released an ad featuring a woman explaining to a cardboard cutout of President Obama - over dinner - why she is breaking up with him.

"Listen, this just isn't working," says the woman. She is not identified in the spot, but the RNC confirms that she is Bettina Inclan, its director of Hispanic outreach. "It's been four years," she says. "You've changed."

Inclan goes on to complain that the man she is speaking to - who has not yet been revealed - is "always on the golf course," is spending too much money and always hanging out with celebrities.

"You're just not the person I thought you were," she says as the Obama cutout is revealed. "It's not me, it's you."

If you were a 2008 Obama supporter and/or voter and are suffering a case of Buyer's Remorse, the GOP has set up a website where you can explain why "You're Breaking Up With Barack Obama."