But only 34 percent approve of how the president is handling economic issues, with 65 percent saying they disapprove of how he’s handling the economy. Thirty-three percent give him a thumbs up on the budget deficit and 37 percent approving of how he's dealing with unemployment.
"Two-thirds of Democrats continue to approve of Obama's economic record, but seven out of ten independents disapprove. Not surprisingly, more than nine out of ten Republicans also disapprove of how Obama is handling the economy....
CNN isn't the only polling releasing all new lows for Obama, as Quinnipiac University headlines with "September 1, 2011 - Obama Approval Hits All-Time Low, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Economy Is Getting Worse, More Voters Say ."
In fact, looking at the national average, using a variety of polls by multiple organizations has disapproval of Obama's job performance as a whole at 53 percent with approval at 42 percent.
Is it any wonder that one GOP candidate, Rick Perry, has just gained a lead over Obama in the latest Rasmussen poll?