I have written about it from the beginning, here, here, here , here, here and here. (Order most recent to oldest)
House Democrats are pissed because Barack Obama went over their head, didn't include them in the negotiations and they are throwing a fit because of it.
Raul M. Grijalva:
"The House was not consulted during the negotiations that produced this package, and our support cannot be taken for granted now or in the future....."
Grijalva is being dishonest there though because according to The Politico after this whole tax deal was made, Obama did try to "consult" with Democratic leadership and they were unreasonable:
One administration official told POLITICO that Obama was so dispirited after his Nov. 18 meeting with the Democratic leadership that he decided, then and there, to place his faith in direct talks with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).
“The point is the House and Senate [leadership] has proven they are incapable of getting things done,” the official said.
But really, why should Obama bother to deal with the Democratic House leadership anymore? After this year, starting January, the GOP will control Congress and it is the GOP Obama will have to deal with.
If the House Dems block the tax deal, the GOP will pass it in January, probably making it retroactive.
All Barack Obama really did was tell Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats that their lame duck asses are irrelevant now.
And they are.
That ladies and gentlemen is the whole reason the liberal media, progressive blogopshere and House Democrats are crying a river. Their irrelevance has just been made public by none other than Barack Obama and they don't like it.