Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Racism Meme: A Tale Of Two Different Progressive Liberal Media Standards

A slightly different version of this post originally published by Susan Duclos at NewsReal Blog.

While the Daily Caller story showing a deliberately perpetuated racism meme created and spread by progressive liberal journalists belonging to a list-serv called "Journolist", is spreading like wildfire throughout the media and blogosphere, actual racism from a member of the Brown Beret, is completely ignored by traditional media.

July 2010, a video hit the internet, showing members of the Brown Beret, Chicano nationalist activist group, confronting group of people in a protest in Anaheim, California against illegal immigration, with one Brown Beret member screaming over a bullhorn "You are too white to be American, go home to Europe! You don't belong here, this is Mexican land!"

Video below: (Brown Beret members appear starting at approximately 1 minute and 40 seconds into the video)

This video was shown on blogs, namely Gateway Pundit and the P/Oed Patriot, but as of this moment, July 20, 2010, 9:43am, Google news only shows one listing for the story and that is another blog.

The comparison of the two separate yet linked stories is astounding.

On one side of the coin, Progressive media journalists, belonging to the list-serv "Journolist" conspired, evidenced by the emails obtained by the Daily Caller showing them doing so, to create a racism meme to accuse anyone discussing Barack Obama's former Pastor Jeremiah Wright's racial comments, of being racist themselves, to distract the public's attention from the issue at hand.

They did this deliberately and despite the fact that Barack Obama himself, called Wright a "legitimate political issue".

They conspired, they developed the racism meme, they discussed completely ignoring Wright in their publications and stated their strategy was, in the words of Spencer Ackerman, to "deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject."

The other side of the coin, journalists today have video of a member of the Brown Beret (shown above) screaming at the top of her lungs that illegal immigrant protesters are "too white to be in America, "telling them to "go back to Germany" or Europe, stating that "America belongs to Mexico", etc... and yet the same progressive liberal media pundits that discussed at such length how to "deflect attention" by faking a racism meme, are oddly silent when true racism hits the Internet.

Goes to show that today's Liberal media journalists and/or bloggers, those that scream racism as loudly and as often as Obama's policies are criticized, would not know true racism and report on it, if it knocked them upside the head and introduced itself.
