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Friday, April 02, 2010

Gallup: Reid And Pelosi Viewed Unfavorably

Via Gallup


Americans' views of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are not fundamentally changed after the passage of healthcare reform. Though more Americans now have an opinion of her, both her favorable and her unfavorable ratings are up from the last reading, to 36% and 54%, respectively.


Americans' views of the Democratic leader in the Senate, Harry Reid, are similar to those for Pelosi -- 29% favorable and 45% unfavorable. It is unclear whether the healthcare reform process hurt Reid's image. The last time Gallup measured opinions of him, in November 2008, Americans were divided in their views, as they were for Pelosi at that time.

However, it is clear that as Reid has become better known, his negative ratings have increased while his positive ratings have been relatively flat.

Republican congressional leaders:

Americans are less negative toward -- but also less familiar with -- the Republican congressional leaders. Opinions of House Minority Leader John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are about equally positive and negative. More than one-third of Americans do not have an opinion of Boehner (39%) or McConnell (37%), compared with 26% for Reid and 10% for Pelosi.

Democrats have dug a deep hole for themselves and November is coming up fast for them. While Pelosi is not up for reelection, Reid is and he is trailing his Republican challengers.
