We shall see, in the following year, if he can pull it out, or just stay in the dark. Is there any post, or story, that would fit more than this? I mean, this is what he said, and this is what he is doing.
Barack Obama famously promised -- and is now delivering -- "fundamental change" to America by expanding the role of the federal government more than any president since FDR.
No offense Mr. President, you seem pretty cool as a person, but as a leader of the Freeworld? I see you more of a detriment to Freedom itself. I understand it isn't you, it is your education. Saul Alinsky, Reverend Wright, you know the list......things you can't deny, well,.. you can, or dodge the questions all together, but the truth is out there! It isn't like we, the uneducated, that you keep so low, can't do the net too.
So, there you go folks. Feel welcome, to add anything you feel needed, as to why our President has HUAS. (Head Up Ass Syndrome) Hey, I just deleted a hard drive, BHO is trying to delete the United States! A bit of my humble opinion.
"I can hear! I can talk!" Nick Andros