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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Americans Say Congress Doing A Poor Job- Multiple Polling Organizations Agree

Rasmussen questions the job Congress is doing and 58 percent of American voters say "poorly".

Fifty-eight percent (58%) of U.S. voters now say Congress is doing a poor job. That’s the highest negative finding since Rasmussen Reports began surveying on the question in November 2006.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 12% of voters believe Congress is doing a good or excellent job, the lowest total since the first of February last year.

Add to that, a plurality (43 percent) believes most of Congress is corrupt.

I have been saying it is best to ignore the partisan beliefs because many answer according to their party affiliation, so take a look at the unaffiliated numbers (in bold):

Not surprisingly, with Democrats having majority control of both the House and Senate, only 32% of Democrats think Congress is doing a poor job, compared to 79% of Republicans and 68% of voters not affiliated with either major party. Still, only 23% of Democratic voters rate Congress’ performance as god or excellent.

The two leaders of both congressional houses, aren't looking too good either in the eyes of the public:

Read the whole thing, there is a lot of information given.

Real Clear Politics figures look even worse for Congress, showing a 64.5 percent disapproval rating, using polling done from NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl, Gallup, Associated Press/GfK, Battleground and FOX News.
