Another cancer in Berkeley was the Code Pink as they harassed the Marine recruiting office, chaining themselves to the doors, vandalizing their building and spewing their venomous hatred, trying to force the Marines to leave, again, they failed as more support showed up for the Marines.

Melanie Morgan, Chairman of the pro-troop organization Move America Forward sent me an email showing that the Code Pinkos of Berkeley are leaving!!!!!!
We hate to gloat, but . . . .
Code Pink, the leftists anti-American hippies who dress in Pepto Bismol pink and who tried to run the Marines out of Berkeley, have retreated. We at Move America Forward lead the charge against them when they attacked our Marines. Now Code Pink is having a “going out of business sale.”From Code Pink:
We must close our CodePINK office, 1248 Solano Ave., Albany. Come to our EVERYTHING MUST GO Moving Sale from noon until 7:00pm Tuesday Oct 28th thru Thursday Oct 30th!
All the office furniture, display cabinets, tschotkes, and all the wonderful outdoor furniture and fixings as well - not to mention CodePINK memorabilia and merchandise - will be on sale!
Come get your treasure and help us close this part of our chapter.
This is what I call good news to awaken to on a Monday morning!!!
Thanks to Melanie, Move America Forward, every veteran, family member and friend that showed up in support of the U.S. Marines in Berkeley for everything they did and their consistent show of patriotism.
To the Code Pink chapter in Berkeley- Good riddance to bad rubbish!