Recently a man was murdered and decapitated on a Greyhound bus, it was later discovered the assailant had began eating the man's flesh. PETA is using this killing for an ad campaign and compares the murder to the slaughtering of animals.
This murder kicked off a campaign idea by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, known as PETA, in which they compare the murder of the man on the bus, with the slaughtering of animals.
The ad has no image, just text which states, "Manitoba. An innocent young victim's throat is cut . . . His struggles and cries are ignored. The man with the knife shows no emotion . . . The victim is slaughtered and his head cut of . . . His flesh is eaten. It still goes on!
Below those words in smaller print, the ad goes on to say, "Right now, this exact scenario is reality for many. They are sensitive, they value their lives, they see what is happening, they cannot run away, and they often suffer greatly yet are being killed for nothing more than a fleeting taste of their flesh.
This ad was planned to be run in the Portage Daily Graphic, but according to the paper's website, they have refused to run the ad for PETA.
PETA also sent out a press release announcing to major media outlets Canada-wide about its intentions to run the ad. The Daily Graphic staff has been inundated with phone calls from media outlets since the press release was distributed.
The Daily Graphic has chosen not to run the advertisement.
In another article, the paper shows that they have received supportive emails and communications hailing their decision not to run the PETA ad.

The PETA website shows the release which explains their comparison of the bus rage beheading and the PETA campaign ad, where they state in their press release about the campaign:
PETA's ad, which refers to the "ignored cries" and "cut-off head" of a victim, is meant to spur people to think about the terror and pain experienced by animals who are raised and killed for food. The group aims to demonstrate that animals--just like humans--are made of flesh, blood, and bone and deserves protection from needless killing. In this day and age, food choices are rich and plentiful, and a vegetarian diet helps prevent premature death from killer diseases like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes.
Chickens, pigs, cows, and other animals on factory farms are mutilated without any painkillers--parts of their ears, beaks, and horns are cut off. At the slaughterhouse, animals are often scalded to death and sometimes remain conscious even while they are being skinned and dismembered.
According to Lindsay Rajt from PETA, "Like human victims, animals in slaughterhouses experience terror when they are attacked by a knife-wielding assailant. We are challenging everyone who is rightly horrified by this crime to look into their hearts and consider leaving violence off their dinner plates."
Tim McLean was the victim of the killing on the Greyhound bus. He was 22 years old. The alleged killer is Vinci Li, 40 years old and he has been charged with second-degree murder and is expected to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.
The Portage Daily Graphic states that Rajt, the spokeswoman for PETA does offer these words for the McLean family, "The crime is horrific. Our hearts go out to Tim's family."
This was offered right before she explained that PETA wanted to use that death for the ads they wanted in that paper.