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Monday, August 11, 2008

Did John Edwards Tell The Truth During His Confession?

After John Edwards went on television with his confession that the National Enquirer was correct in their reporting he had an affair with Rielle Hunter, he denied that the affair started before he hired her and paid her $114,000.

Huffington Post immediate reported that they had seen emails that showed that Edwards was possibly still telling lies about the relationship, claiming those emails from Hunter to a friend showed that the affair started before Edwards hired Hunter.

Now ABC produces the friend those emails were sent to by Hunter.

But that version of events is now being challenged by a one time close friend of Hunter's, Pidgeon O'Brien.

"The affair began long, long, long before she was hired to work for the campaign almost half a year before she was hired to work on those videos," O'Brien said in an exclusive interview with ABC News.

O'Brien says Hunter told her that in late February, early March 2006 she met an amazing man from North Carolina named John at a New York City hotel bar. She referred to her new man as 'Love Lips', whom she said was married with small children and a wife who had been ill.

Some say Hunter, a devotee of new age spirituality, is given to exaggeration.

O'Brien said she later realized this man was John Edwards.

Edwards still denies being Hunter's baby's father, but since he lied for months on end abut the affair, then lied as he was supposedly "coming clean", who would really believe him at this point?

Side note. Wolfson claims that the Edwards Cover-up cost Clinton the Democratic nomination.

Previous pieces:

Edwards Mistress, Rielle, Refuses DNA Test For baby- Convenient For Edwards

The Saga Of The John Edwards Affair Continues As Sister of Mistress Asks For DNA Test

John Edwards Video Speaking To Mistress, Rielle Hunter for 'Plane Truths'; Elizabeth Edwards' Statement Added

John Edwards Admits To Sexual Affair Reported By National Enquirer; Updated with Edwards' Statement and Reactions

National Enquirer Publishes Spy Photos of John Edwards and Alleged Love Child

Bloggasm, LA Times Blog Editor, National Enquirer and John Edwards

Fox Confirms Portion of National Enquirer Story About John Edwards Meeting Mistress

LA Times 'Asks' Their Bloggers To Not Report On National Enquirer's John Edwards Story:
Update- Fox Interviews Hotel Security, Verifies Enquirer Story

John Edwards Caught Meeting His Lover