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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Emory University Medical Services Fraud Busting Wide Open

Thank you Wake Up America for allowing me, Snooper, to place this plug for my upcoming Blog Talk Radio show.

Currently, the wanton medical abuse and funding fraudulent activity is limited in knowledge to the local area of Atlanta, GA. We will see to it that this information and travesty of misappropriation of funds, monies lining the pockets of prior AGs of the State of Georgia and University top-dog officials will not go unnoticed.

There have been prison sentences handed out in the process of this story unfolding but these were mere scapegoats...the real criminals have managed to buy off witnesses and whistle blowers with federal funds and placed these witnesses under gag orders. In short, they were bribed with quite a bit of money to stay quiet.

However, there is ONE whistle blower that CANNOT be bought off. You can hear his tale on my Blog Talk Radio show tomorrow evening, 10/11/2007, at 2100 hours, Texas time, CST.

For more background, one can check the stories here, here, here, and here.

Hold onto your hats folks...this is bigger than big. Major news media outlets have been "bought off" as well. The whistle blower on my show on 10/11/07 will name names and dates and all the particulars in his quest to Do The Right Thing.
