Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sickening Couple Sells 4 Daughters To Make Porn (Video)

By Susan Duclos

Disgustingly sick story has broke of a Tennessee couple that sold their four daughters, age 5,12,15, and 17 to make ponographic pictures and in one case a pronographic movie.

US Attorney Tony Clark has made a public statement, saying "There was money that changed hands between the individuals that were taking pictures and the parents. The children said that they had been taken to various locations and performing sex acts with an adult." He continued on to say "When you have parents allegedly making money off their kids through pornography and exploitation, even after 20 years, it’s one of the worst cases I've ever seen."

It is this writers personal opinion that the man should be castrated, without anesthetic and the woman sterilized before throwing them into prison with the words baby rapists on their foreheads.

Cross posted at Before It's News