Friday, October 18, 2013

Obama Deliberately Risked Americans Lives - FDA Didn't Send Out Warnings During the Shutdown (Video)

By Susan Duclos

During the shutdown the US government made a conscious decision to spend money on certain things but not on others.... it was deliberate, make no mistake about that. Barack Obama chose to keep his golf course open, Camp David, keep his staff, yet close anything that would cause the people he is supposed to protect as president, as much harm and pain as possible.

One example is shown in the video below from TRUTHstreammedia, the Obama administration chose to stop FDA recall warning emails. For 17  days food and drug safety recalls were not sent to the American people, they were not notified that their lives could be in danger.

Via the video details:

So, in short, the government can spend the money, time and effort to actively block vets from visiting open air, normally unstaffed war memorials, they just can't take the time to warning you that you and your family might be eating food tainted with botulism or salmonella or lead or metal shavings.

Cross posted at Before It's News