Saturday, October 05, 2013

Monster 10-4-13 Tornado Videos - Stunning Footage (Video)

By Susan Duclos

Tornadoes ripped through Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota on Friday, one of them a mile wide and the videos uploaded to YouTube are stunning and terrifying as you see Mother Nature prove once again that she is merciless and unforgiving.


Zach Hargrove and company intercepted a large and dangerous wedge tornado from the south near Wayne, Nebraska this afternoon. Injuries were reported and structural damage is noted here in the video.

Next video details:

Video package opens with shot of a tornado shredding trees near the town of Macy, approximately 25 miles south of Sioux City, IA. The tornado crossed US-75 at Macy tearing apart trees and doing minor damage to outbuildings. Most of the houses were undamaged in the tornado.

Scene 1: Opens with dramatic shot of tree debris, then pans to various zooms and pans of tornado as it tears through trees in Macy and crossed US-75 within 1/4 mile of videographer.

Scene 2: Shot of tornado east of US-75/Macy as it sporadically touches down in the open country near the Missouri River.

Scene 3: Torndao lofts high contrast dirt into the air east of US-75.

Scene 4: Shot of bowl funnel and dirt east of US-75.

Scene 5: Early stage of tornado as it developed west of Macy and tore up trees.

News Report details:

A tornado shocked the people of Wayne, Nebraska, as afternoon turned to evening.

"We have reports of buildings destroyed, people (trapped) inside homes, cars rolled over," said Jodie Fawl with the Nebraska Emergency Operations Center. "(There is) a supply company leaking gas," she added. "Hazmat is on the scene dealing with the gas leakage."

Next video details:

Nebraska Tornado Wipes Out Farms Tornado corn field path destruction in millions. Multiple tornadoes — one of them a mile wide — struck Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota on Friday, injuring up to 15 people and causing significant damage, meteorologists and local authorities said.

The Weather Channel counted 17 reports of tornadoes across the three states. The National Weather Service reported late Friday that it had confirmed six of the reports — four of them in Iowa.
The injuries were reported in Wayne, Neb., where a tornado hit about 5:30 p.m. (6:30 p.m. ET). Providence Medical Center said it was treating seven "walking wounded" and seven others who were injured in auto accidents. A trauma patient was being treated at a second hospital, it said.

Vid details:

Witnessed around 5-6 tornadoes today, some towns we were near Lyons, Nebraska, Sloam Iowa, and the hose damage was north of Climbing Hiil, Iowa.