Monday, October 14, 2013

Hey Obama!!! THIS Is A Real Man (Viral Images ) #1MVetMarch

By Susan Duclos

Not only did the Million Veteran March on Memorials bring national attention to the political games Barack Obama has been playing by deliberately closing off National Memorials from the men and women those very Memorials were built for, but those veterans, supporters, bikers, truckers and prominent figures, made their disdain for Obama's games quite clear when they tore down the barriers erected to prevent them from entering their Memorials and carried them right to the White House gates.

One man's image is going viral now, disabled, on one of those rolling machine type wheelchairs because his legs are gone, carrying one of those "Barrycades" as they are being called now.

Hey Barack..... This is a real man, fought for this great nation, lost his legs, and is STILL fighting for it, only now against the enemy within..... YOU.

Cross posted at Before It's News