Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Food Stamp Dependency, Riots Lead To Martial Law (Videos)

By Susan Duclos

It is coming, whether the politicians in Washington DC kick the can down the road until 2014 or whether they allow America to default today, welfare benefits are pushing the US further and further into debt.

Exempting those truly disabled and physically or mentally unable to work, abuse is running rampant as has been shown multiple times, as an investigative report shown in the state of Massachusetts, where EBT cards were used at amusement parks, strip clubs, liquor stores and sex shops, just to name a few places.

With that said, Prison Planet has an excellent article out with the headline "Food Stamp Dependency, Riots Lead to Martial Law," and the evidence of just that scenario was clearly shown in the recent shutdown of EBT/Food stamp spending for just part of one day.
The administration’s goal to dramatically increase food stamp enrollment, officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), follows a strategy called pressure from above and below, in which the government deliberately creates problems in order to offer “solutions” which only expand government powers at the expense of individual rights. 
The government’s “solution” to nationwide rioting due to a crash in the food stamp system will no doubt involve a federalized police state takeover, perhaps even martial law, with Department of Homeland Security tanks and VIPR squads roaming America’s streets to supposedly “restore order” out of the chaos while ignoring the Bill of Rights with impunity.
In the videos below, we see what occurred recently, just days ago.... and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand how much worse it will be when the welfare shutdown happens longterm. Food riots, which will lead to martial law.

Cross posted at Before It's News