Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fed Up Americans Taking The USA Back - We're Not Going To Take It (Blast From The Past Video)

By Susan Duclos

From one end of the country to the other, Americans, old and young and all in between are fed up and striking, marching, storming barriers, ignoring government shutdown signs and visiting their parks anyway, and taking the United States of America back.

Veterans plan to March on Washington DC, Truckers plan to shut down the US, World War II vets stormed through barriers, as did Vietnam vets and Marines at the Iwo Jima memorial and now, ordinary Americans have joined the non-violent revolution.

Via Washington Times:

Taking their lead from the veterans who first pushed through the barricades to visit the World War II Memorial, Americans nationwide are defying the federal government shutdown, tossing aside traffic cones and toppling wooden fences to get to national parks and other federal lands that the administration has deemed out of bounds.

As the shutdown hits the middle of its second week, civil disobedience has become a sensation. Some proudly post online photos of themselves overcoming the government’s obstacles, and others use more subtle ways to make their point.

We are fed up, mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore!!!

Cross posted at Before It's News