Monday, September 16, 2013

Fukushima 'Emergency Measure': Pumping Radioactive Water Into Pacific After Typhoon (Video)

By Susan Duclos

After Typhoon Man-Yi tore through Japan and hit the Fukushima area, workers feared that heavy rainfall caused by the typhoon would raise the water levels to the point where flooding would occur, they decided to open the barriers and release what TEPCO claims was low level contaminated, aka radioactive water into the Pacific.

The amount of water released is not known.

Due to TEPCO and Japan downplaying previous bad news, there is no way of knowing how serious this new "event" truly is.

If the problems at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant aren't enough, Kyodo reports more issues at Japan’s Monju test reactor site in Fukui as data has been suspended since early Monday.

Transmission of reactor monitoring data to the government's Emergency Response Support System stopped before 3 a.m., the NRA said. The NRA is collecting necessary data from the Japan Atomic Energy Agency that operates the reactor.

There are no prospects for restoration of data transmission for now, with the reactor site in Tsuruga, Fukui Prefecture, inaccessible due to mudslides and fallen trees caused by the typhoon, it said.

Cross posted at Before It's News