Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sharpton's Trayvon Protesters Vs Texas Stand Your Ground Supporters On July 20 (Video)

By Susan Duclos

All I can think, sarcastically is what could go wrong?

With the violence and vandalism, attacks on bystanders, police, and in one case a police horse, from Trayvon Martin supporters in protests since last Saturday, when George Zimmerman was found not guilty of second degree murder and manslaughter, the idea of protesters heading to Texas and the group G. Zimmerman River Oaks Stand Your Ground Event planning to meet with a counter-protest, this could get ugly fast.

The organizer of the G. Zimmerman River Oaks Stand Your ground Event is talking about non-violence, with peaceful ways to counter protest.

From their latest Facebook post:

Ok. Here's a non violent plan. Tell me if ya'll agree. Several requests. Anyone living in the area of River Oaks, turn your sprinklers on so you can get your grass green. I know if folks were trying to march through my neighborhood I'd be pissed so...turn your sprinklers on. Bring loud cars to drown out any bullshit speeches about injustice and so on. Smokey trucks..bring it. I really feel it's disrespectful that he chose River Oaks. Why? He's made several comments about giving hell to white folks from the womb to the tomb. Also commented about going to River Oaks to get you some money. Put signs out welcoming our rally that's here to keep people from being intimidated or keep from folks going overboard like on 288 and downtown. We don't want to hear about how Trayvon could have been Obama's kid. So many murdered and home invaded people could have been my parents/grand parents
This list of planned protest locations in Texas will be shown below the article and video.

 In 2007, Texas Governor Rick perry signed the Stand Your Ground law in Texas, which Texans’ rights to use deadly force for means of self-defense, without retreat, in their home, vehicle or workplace.

If Sharpton's protesters attempt to pull antics like the one seen below in the video, in Texas, it won't be the victim of their violence heading to the hospital, it will be the aggressors.

(Note- At the end of the video it mentions the planned River Oaks protest)

As of now, the Al Sharpton planned Trayon Martin protests for Saturday, July 20, 2013, are set for 137 cities across America, 10 of which are listed in Texas.

Those Texas locations are:

  1. Austin, TX
    1100 Congress Avenue
    12 Noon
    Contact: Chas Moore
  2. Bastrop, TX
    PO. Box 144
    655 E. Durango Blvd
    Contact: Yolanda Miller
  3. Dallas, TX
    1100 Commerce Street
    Dallas, TX
  4. Dallas, TX (2)
    1100 S. Commerce Street
    Contact: Kingdom W.A.R. Church
  5. Dallas, TX (3)
    8717 Jennie Lee Ln.
    Contact: Brandon Horlsey-Thompson
  6. Houston, TX
    Mickey Leland Federal Building
    1919 Smith Street
    Houston, TX
  7. Houston, TX (2)
    City Hall 901 BABGY
    Contact: The Community Of Faith Church King’s Dome
    1023 Pinemont Drive
    Houston, TX 77018
    Telephone: (713) 688-2900, extension 224
    Fax: (713) 688-3682
    Bishop James W.E. Dixon, II – Senior Pastor
  8. Jasper, TX
    1013 Helen Street
    Time: 7:00PM
    Contact: Walter G. Diggles Foundation
  9. San Antonio, TX
    Federal Courthouse
    655 E. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd.
    Time: 11:00 AM
    Contact: Community of Churches for Social Action
  10. Wichita Falls, TX
    2003 Collins Ave
    Contact: North Texas Cultural Diversity Society