Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boston Bombing Conspiracy Theories Lead To Twitter Hashtag #FreeJahar

By Susan Duclos

Immediately after publishing a piece on the birth of one particular conspiracy theory in regards to the Boston Marathon bombing, I browse around and 'lo and behold I see that others are springing up and have led to the Twitter hashtag #FreeJahar. (Jahar is the nickname of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Yes, really.

Twitter trend screens hot April 21, 2013 at 3:56pm ET

Two words for the sympathizers in the  #FreeJahar crowd....... ya'll suck.

To the others who have hijacked the #FreeJahar hashtag to let the terrorist sympathizing crowd know that they suck ..... Ya'll rock!

Read the terrorist sympathizers original tweets over at Twitchy and H/T TheBlaze.