Monday, October 22, 2012

Video- Chris Christie To Obama: 'Let's give you the plane ticket back to Chicago you have earned'

By Susan Duclos

Chris Christie's epic take down of Obama while speaking in Virginia, full speech here, and H/T to Washington Examiner for the video.


“If you don’t think you can change Washington from inside the White House, then let’s give you the plane ticket back to Chicago you have earned.” Christie said. “I mean that is a scary thing for the President of the United States to say, isn’t it?”

“It shows his arrogance,” Christie added. “If he really believes that, if he believes that, then what the hell is he doing asking for another four years?”

Christie continued to question Obama’s leadership, explaining that the President would rather blame everyone else for his failures.

“‘It’s anybody’s fault but mine.’ he says, ‘Please, give me another four years, and I will figure it out,’” Christie added, channeling the President.

“You know what, Mr. President?” Christie added. “I am tired of waiting for you to figure it out.”

I will happily donate towards tickets for the whole Obama family back to Chicago to stay.