Thursday, October 11, 2012

Three Post Debates Polls Vote Ryan Won VP Debate- Pundits Call Biden's Laughter Inappropriate

By Susan Duclos

CNN and CNBC both conducted post debate instapolls and declared Paul Ryan the winner of the vice presidential debate, and Politico has a nice roundup of journalists and media pundits all criticizing Biden's constant smirks, smiles and laughter during the whole debate.

CNBC: Paul Ryan: 56%, Joe Biden: 36%, Neither: 8%

CNN: Ryan 48%, Biden 44%

CNN- Likability: Ryan 53%, Biden 43%
CNN- More in Touch: Ryan 51%, Biden 44%

[Update] AP Ryan 51%- Biden 43%
CBS seems to be the only network that gave Biden a win, with 50%-31%


A female member of CNN's focus group calls Biden a "buffoon."


Bidens laughter, smirks and smiles at very inapprpriate times also caused much consternation among pundits from the right and the left.

Via Politico:

TIME’s Michael Scherer: “Not sure debate cameras have been light tested for Biden’s teeth. Best to watch with sunglasses."

Washington Examiner’s Philip Klein: “Biden’s strategy seems to be to laugh at Ryan constantly. Will it work to infantalize Ryan, or backfire like Gore sighing?”

NBC’s David Gregory: “Biden’s smile is out of control.”

BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith: “So did Biden practice laughing at Ryan???”

ABC’s Rick Klein: “Biden on verge of breaking down in laughter when Ryan talks.”

Former Eric Cantor staffer Brad Dayspring: “Joe Biden needs to realize this isn’t a Senate Foreign Relations Hearing. His laughter and condescending attitude is a disaster.”

Radio host Neal Boortz: “Looking like Biden’s gameplan is to laugh his way through this.”’s Guy Benson: “Will Biden laugh his ass off at the terrible economy, too?”

MSNBC’s S.E. Cupp: “Biden needs to laugh a little less through the Libya, Middle East, nuclear Iran segment.”

Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza: “Ok. I have decided. I find the Biden smile slightly unsettling.”

PBS’ Jeff Greenfield: “Biden has always had a smile that at times is really, really inappropriate.”

Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard: “Can’t tell yet if Biden’s smirking, laughs, eye-rolling, head shaking, works for him or not against the oh-so-young looking eager Ryan.”

Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer: “Biden is at risk of having his laugh come across like Gore’s sighs. He should knock it off.”

The New York Times’ Ashley Parker: “Biden’s grin is Cheshire Cat caliber.”

Republican strategist Ron Bonjean: “Biden laughing does not come off with the intended effect. It is actually hurting him. Looks very condescending.”

Movie critic Roger Ebert: “Joe! Stop smiling and laughing!”

Washington Times’ Emily Miller: “Biden laughing when he disagrees with Ryan is so annoying. Like a child in time out.”
Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin: “Biden’s laughing is losing the debate- obnoxious”

Other media pundits call Biden "weird" and a "jerk."

Any bets that despite being an inappropriate, weird jerky buffoon, the liberal base applauds him for his childish behavior?

Via MediaIte- "Ryan Calls Biden Out On Having To Make Up For Obama As Biden Repeatedly Interrupts Him"

More tomorrow................

(Updates added to this post- Headline changed to reflect third poll giving debate to Ryan)