Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Representative Trey Gowdy Blasts Obama Administration Lies On Libya

By Susan Duclos

As the hearing by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee into the security failures in Libya at the time of the terrorist attack on 9/11/12, progresses, a portion is is alrady online, via The Right Scoop.

Representative Trey Gowdy, blasts the outright lies from the Obama administration, by Ambassador Rice and Jay Carney, where both blamed a film for the terror attack, even though the State Separtment had never believed nor linked the attack to the movie clip.

Gowdy is demanding the presence of Ambassador Rice to determine when she was given the false information that she then repeated and claimed was a fact on national television and who gave her that information.


Previous related WuA posts:

9/13/12- America Attacked Again On 9/11- Media Attacks Romney For Noticing Obama's Failures

9/14/12- America 'was warned of embassy attack but did nothing' 

9/14/12- Obama Coverup: U.S. Embassy In Cairo Website Removes Page Condemning Free Speech

9/14/12- Obama Admin Tries To Get 'Innocence of Muslims' Mohammed Movie Trailer Removed From YouTube

9/14/12- YouTube On Mohammed Movie clip 'Innocence of Muslims': "Clearly Within Guidelines Will Stay On YouTube

9/14/12- Al-Qaeda Flies flag On American Soil- Obama At Campaign Event

9/15/12- Four Days Of Terror Attacks Since 9/11/12 And Obama Campaigns For Three Of Them

9/15/12- Barack Obama Bows In Submission To Mohammed Morsi And Muslim Brotherhood

9/16/12-  More Details Show Libya Attack Preplanned And Organized Despite Obama Admin Denials

9/19/12- Confronted With Facts Obama Administration Admits Libya 9/11 Attack Preplanned

9/20/12- Libya Terrorist Attack: Now "Self-Evident" To Obama Admin. Was "Self-Evident To Conservatives On 9/11

9/21/12- Obama's Libya Lies Fall Like A House Of Cards

9/22/12- Obama Silent On "Piss Christ"  But Spends $70,000 U.S Taxpayers Dollars Against Mohammed Clip

9/22/12- 10 Days Of Attacks Against America And Obama Participates In 11 Campaign Events

9/23/12- Exercising My Free Speech "Western Value"- Mohammed Morsi, Go F*ck Yourself

9/26/12- If Obama Admin Knew Stevens Assassination Was Terror Attack Within A Day, Why Lie For A Week?

9/27/12- Wapo Fact Checker: White House Libya Attack Story Changed  When No Longer Tenable

9/28/12- Letter Embedded: Bipartisan Senate Demand From Obama Administration On 9/11 Attacks 

10/2/12- Obama Admin Denied Request For Extra Security For U.S. Embassy Staff  In Libya Prior To Attack 

10/7/12 Obama Administration Withdrew 16 Member Special Forces Security Team From Libya In August

10/10/12- State Department Never Linked U.S. Consulate Libya Attack To Film- Ignored Pleas For More Security