Friday, October 19, 2012

Obama's 'Grow The Economy From The Middle Out' Shows He Knows Nothing About Growing The Economy

By Susan Duclos

From Obama's website on his 'Plans' page, it says "Obama is fighting to grow the economy from the middle out, not the top down."

That ideology right there is the reason the so-called "recovery" has been the slowest, weakest and feeblest recovery seen since the Great Depression.

Here is something that Mitt Romney doesn't dare articulate because the Obama media and liberals (yes, I know, same thing) would twist every word and declare Romney hates the middle class.

Grow the economy from the middle out is a great soundbite but it isn't the middle that creates businesses, creates jobs, offers health insurance nor pays the majority of the taxes in the U.S. therefore funding the government with revenue to pay for Washington's spending practices.

It is the top ten percent that do that.

The top ten percent of wage earners pay 70 percent of income taxes.

The split:

Top 1%- Pays 38 percent
2-5% - Pays 21 percent
6-10%- Pays 11 percent

Chart below:

 It is clear who funds our government like the government's own piggy bank so Washington can go on spending more and more and Obama and liberals can just keep talking about taking even more from them.

The more we take from the so-called top, the less jobs they create, the less businesses they start, the less they grow the businesses they already have, and the less money they have to inject into the economy. Hence, the economy grows at a dismal 1.3 percent, which is nowhere near enough to turn the economy around.

Business owners, manufacturers and decision makers have told American citizens clearly, 69 percent of them, that Obama’s Executive Branch and regulatory policies have hurt American small businesses and manufacturers. . 67 percent say there is too much uncertainty in the market today to expand, grow or hire new workers. 55 percent say they would not start a business today given what they know now and in the current environment.

Dividing classes up as Obama does with his class warfare rhetoric, we see the bottom percentages of taxpayers, those that barely make enough to live off of, some not making enough so they apply to welfare as a helping hand until they can get on their feet, but without economic growth, without enough new jobs being created, by the top percent of taxpayers, that helping hand becomes permanent dependency.

Then you have the middle, those living paycheck to paycheck, making too much for that helping hand, but not enough to create jobs or grow their businesses, some barely taking enough from their small businesses to live off of so they can keep their doors open.

The middle cannot "grow out" when they can barely keep their businesses afloat because of a lack of consumers.

The economy, quite literally, rests on the shoulders of those top tax payers. They are the only ones who can start the process that will turn the economy around.

They cannot do that when they have an administration that is hostile towards them, that pass so many regulations it is impossible for them to grow, that threatens to take from them, the money they would use to create jobs and expand, so that Washington can spend more of it on things that do not grow the economy.

Mitt Romney understands the economy does grow from the top down. When more jobs are created, more taxpayers are in the system, more revenue comes in to fund the government, more money is in American's pockets so more gets put back into the economy, growing it.

This gives the bottom percentage of taxpayers that step up they needed, via new jobs, to earn a paycheck, money to spend in the economy, gives people in the middle more consumers to buy their products or services they can expand their businesses, therefore hiring more people.

So the next time Obama says he wants to grow the economy from the middle out, understand the middle cannot grow out if the top is not growing and those on the bottom cannot make it to the middle if the top and the middle are not growing.

What Mitt Romney cannot say loudly and proudly is that yes, of course he needs to encourage the rich, because without them the economy cannot grow.

If Romney dared try to articulate all this, the Obama media would be headlining with "Romney loves the rich and hates the middle class and the poor."