Wednesday, October 10, 2012

DNC Employee Caught On Tape Helping Activist Vote Twice For Obama

By Susan Duclos

Liberals claim there is no voter fraud?

Via The Daily Caller:

Videographer James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas caught an official for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign helping who she thought was an Obama supporter set herself up to vote more than once in November.

Stephanie Caballero is the regional field director for Obama’s Organizing For America in Houston, Texas. Federal Election Commission documents show, according to Project Veritas, that Caballero is a “salaried employee of the DNC [Democratic National Committee].”

Caballero is caught on camera helping the young woman try to vote in Florida and Texas in the upcoming election.


 Caballero then offers the videographer an excuse to get out of trouble is she gets caught committing voter fraud: “Come up with like if anyone checks say ‘I don’t know.’” 

The video then cuts to a montage of different clips of Obama campaign volunteers and staffers all over the country helping O’Keefe’s Project Veritas activists get set up to vote twice, a sign there’s likely more to come.

The video ends with a challenge for the media: “Put your reputation on the line, journalists. Say this is an ‘isolated incident.’”

Read the transcript of the video above over at The Daily Caller.

One word fits here: BUSTED.