Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Embed: RNC Updated Convention Schedule- Thursday Night Mystery Speaker

By Susan Duclos

After canceling Monday, August 27, 2012, night's scheduled events and simply convening and going into immediate recess due to Storm Isaac, the RNC has released their updated temporary order of business with the scheduled events for the remainder of the Republican convention.

It is embedded below, but not on Thursday, the last night of the convention is a slot after Olympians, but before Bebe Winans & Choir, Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney, which is listed under "remarks" meaning a speaker, but has "to be announced" instead of a name.

RNC Schedule Temp Order of Business

Wall Street Journal has a little poll going on where readers think it might be, the choices are Zell Miller, Ted Nugent, Sarah Palin, General David Petraeus, Nancy Reagan,  or Chesley Sullenberger, go vote for your choice.

Hot Air provides some names of those who are not listed as speaking: Governor Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Fred Thompson, Michele Bachmann, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin.

Jim Geraghty over at NRO, like others, speculates that it might be Palin, after all, she gives a great speech, she excites the crowd and she has excellent grassroots support.

Who is it going to be? Who would be so popular that they should speak right before Rubio and Romney?