Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Video- RNC Releases Preemptive TV Ad Before Obama's SOTU: Titled 'State of Our Union'

By Susan Duclos

The RNC has just released a television ad called "State Of Our Union" with clips of the harsh economic realities of today, preemptively attacking Barack Obama for his failed policies.

Video below:

Description from GOP's YouTube page:

http://www.GOP.com -- The Republican National Committee released a new television ad "State of Our Union" to coincide with President Obama's State of the Union address. The ad displays the nation's economic struggles -- 13 million unemployed and 49 million in poverty -- that are a direct result of Barack Obama's failed leadership.

Above was the 31 second TV ad, below is the 45 second extended cut.

Guy Benson over at Townhall also has an excellent read, headline is "Pre-butting Obama's 'State of the Union' Campaign Speech."