Saturday, November 12, 2011

CBS News Poll: Obama disapproval rating on economy at record high

By Susan Duclos

VIDEO FLASHBACK: Obama 2009: "If I don't have this done in three years then there is gonna be a one term proposition"

CBS News released a poll on Friday in which once again Barack Obama has hit his highest level of disapproval of his job performance on the economy in CBS polling.

President Obama's ratings on the the most important issue for his re-election -- the economy -- have posted the weakest showing of his presidency, according to a poll released Friday by CBS News.

About 60 percent of voters said they disapprove of Mr. Obama's handling of the economy, the highest on record. Just 34 percent approve of the job he is doing on the matter.

His overall approval ratings are just 43 percent, while 47 percent disapprove of the job he is doing as president.

That is according to CBS News, but Obama's overall disapproval level is higher in polls conducted by other news organizational polling.

ABC News/Washington Post shows Obama's disapproval at 53 percent with 44 percent approving

NBC News/Wall Street Journal shows Obama's disapproval at 51 percent with 44 percent approving

That is for overall approval/disapproval, the numbers are worse when Obama's handling of the economy is specified.

Reuters shows that "Nearly three-quarters of respondents said Obama's administration had fallen short on the economy." (Nearly 75 percent)

According to Gallup's Nov. 9, 2011 poll which separates issues as asks respondents whether they approve or disapprove of (Insert issue here), Obama's highest disapproval among Americans is for his handling of the economy and federal budget which both tied at 67 percent disapproval.

Third highest disapproval was for creating jobs where 60 percent of Americans disapprove of his handling on that issue.

Note about video above: Obama was right, he is looking at a one term proposition.
