Monday, June 13, 2011

The 'Anyone But Obama' Mindset

The Daily Caller reports on a new USA Today/Gallup poll which shows the difference 2 1/2 years of an Obama presidency can make in the mindset of voters.

Four years ago, Republicans and Independents that lean Republican wanted a candidate they were most aligned with on issues.

Today, Gallup finds that the mindset is "anyone but Obama".

A USA Today/Gallup poll released Sunday found that Republican and Republican leaning independents would prefer the candidate who can beat Obama rather than the one who they most agree with on issues. The poll gives an insight into how voters are thinking about this largely unsettled primary field, and seems to bode well for Mitt Romney, who is currently the frontrunner in most polls.

Other Gallup findings:

U.S. Subgroups Say Economy, Jobs Are Most Important Problem

Romney Support Up; Widens Advantage in 2012 Preferences

Anyone but Obama items like the teddy bear above, hats, bumper stickers, pins and T-shirts at Cafe Press-- No, I am not making money highlighting them, I am doing it because I too believe that anyone but Obama is better than Obama.
