Obama says we all just have to get used to it huh?
Guess not.
With gas up 25 percent this year to an average $3.84 a gallon, seven in 10 Americans in this ABC News/Washington Post poll report financial hardship as a result, six in 10 say they've cut back on driving – and, among those hardest hit, Obama's ratings are suffering.
This poll, produced for ABC News by Langer Research Associates, finds the president's job approval rating 13 points lower among people who say the price of gas is causing them hardship. Forty-three percent of them approve of the president, vs. 56 percent of those who report no hardship. And among the four in 10 feeling "serious" hardship, just 39 percent approve of Obama's work in office.
In re-election terms, 53 percent of those who are feeling serious hardship as a result of gas prices say they definitely will not vote for Obama in 2012 -- 14 points more than say so among those who are feeling either less-than-serious hardship, or none at all.
That is right, 2012 can see Obama replaced easily enough.
And don't think the GOP isn't going to hit Obama hard over this, they already are.
Visit Hot Air to see some of the ....welll, errrr... HOT AIR Obama is spewing over this issue. Then read AllahPundit's take.
[Update 4/26/11] Gas prices for Michigan climbed 6.4 cents to $4.040 per gallon, reports AAA Michigan.