Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cloture On DREAM Act Fails In The Senate 55-41

The Senate vote for cloture on the DREAM Act failed today with a vote of 55 to 41. Harry Reid needed 60 votes to invoke cloture. (Will supply roll call when it becomes available) ROLL CALL will be listed at this URL in approximately one hour)

Harry Reid filed for cloture, late Thursday night after pulling the omnibus spending bill, on DADT repeal and the DREAM Act, both pieces of legislation which both passed the Democratically controlled House of Representatives, and set the vote for both for today.

It is officially called The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act, yet the age cap is 29 years old and would give amnesty to individuals that were brought into the United States illegally if they meet certain conditions, such as;

Graduating from high school or receiving a GED;
Has been determined to be a person of “good moral character,” as determined by the Department of Homeland Security, from the date the individual initially entered the U.S.;
Submits biometric information;
Registers for the Selective Service;
Undergoes security and law-enforcement background checks and a medical examination.

News reports are just starting to come out. USA Today here. MSNBC here. NYT here, The Politico.

Next up is DADT repeal which there is a good chance will pass.

[Update]Cloture on DADT agreed to 63 to 33

(Linkage has been added to this post as the media reports have come out)
