Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pelosi, Reid Unfavorability Hits New Highs- Limbo Rock (how low can you go?!)

Rasmussen reports:

With midterm congressional elections just a week away, the number of voters who view Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Very Unfavorably have reached their highest levels yet.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 60% of Likely Voters have an unfavorable impression of Pelosi, including 52% who hold a Very Unfavorable opinion of her. That’s her highest Very Unfavorable rating since regular tracking began in early February 2009. Only 33% share a favorable impression of the California Democrat, including 16% who view her Very Favorably.

Fifty-four percent (54%) view Reid unfavorably, including 41% with a Very Unfavorable opinion, also the highest finding since February of last year. Twenty-nine percent (29%) hold a favorable view of Reid, who is struggling for reelection in Nevada. That includes just seven percent (7%) with a Very Favorable regard for him.

How low can they go?

Limbo Rock (how low can you go?!)

Just for fun!!
