Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nevada Senate Race Heating Up With Allegations of Bribery And Voting Machine Errors

Early voting has started and one of the most competitive races is in Nevada where Senate Majority leader Harry Reid is trailing behind Republican challenger Sharron Angle according to the last two polls conducted by LVRJ/Mason-Dixon and Rasmussen Reports by two and four points respectively.

The video above shows a Nevada voter for Sharron Angle claiming that when she and others went to cast their vote for Angle the box next to Harry Reid's name was already checked in the latest reports coming out of Nevada.

Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid's name was already checked.

Ferrara said she wasn't alone in her voting experience. She said her husband and several others voting at the same time all had the same thing happen.

"Something's not right," Ferrara said. "One person that's a fluke. Two, that's strange. But several within a five minute period of time -- that's wrong."

Earlier complaints were already being made by Angle's attorney, Cleta Mitchell, as evidenced by a letter published by The Las Vegas Sun, where Mitchell states "Reid “intends to steal this election if he can’t win it outright."

As Sharron Angle's campaign attorney, I am sorry to report that the Democrats and their cronies are up to their same old tricks, of trying to manipulate the election in hopes of skewing the results in their favor.

Two days ago, the Democratic Secretary of State announced that voters can be provided "free food" at "voter turnout events." Harry Reid has been offering free food and, according to other reports, some Democratic allies such as teachers' unions are offering gift cards in return for a vote for Reid.

Before we were even able to document the reported infractions to report to the authorities, the Democrat Secretary of State slammed the door shut on preventing this behavior and issued a public statement permitting these ACORN-style tactics. THESE are the kinds of shenanigans that can turn this race.

Read the rest.

The Nevada News Bureau confirms Matt Griffin, deputy secretary of state for elections, said Nevada law does not automatically prohibit a campaign or candidate from offering food to those who attend “get out the vote” rallies aimed at increasing voter participation.

As long as the food is not predicated upon voting for a particular candidate or ballot question, the event would comply with state law, he said.

Six days away from election day and already tensions are high as the early voter turnout in Nevada indicates trouble for Harry Reid.

October 21- WTOP:

While Democrats so far make up about 46 percent of those who've cast ballots in Las Vegas' Clark County, compared with 38 percent for Republicans, the Democrats' 8-point advantage is down from 22 points in 2008. And Republicans, who make up a third of the county's registered voters, are turning out in numbers that exceed their share of the electorate this time.

In Reno's Washoe County, where voter registration is about evenly split between the two parties, early voter turnout favors Republicans 47 percent to 40 percent. The two Nevada counties make up more than 80 percent of the state's electorate; the rest of the state's counties are sparsely populated and heavily Republican.

October 24- KOLOTV:

Republicans turned out in slightly larger numbers than Democrats during the first week of early voting in Nevada.

Nevada's senate race will undoubtedly go down to the wire with every last vote being counted and fought over and every indicator shows that the end results will be very close.

Although political junkies will be watching every race with control of the House of Representatives and the Senate up for grabs, Nevada is one race that is being watched even more closely because Harry Reid is the Senate Majority leader and a loss for Reid, whether the GOP takes control of the Senate or not, means Reid will no longer hold that position as of January 2011.


NEVADA VOTING COMPLAINTS: GOP fires warning shots on Nevada voting

Nevada voting machines automatically checking Harry Reid's name; voting machine technicians are SEIU members

Voter Fraud Watch: A Primer on What to Watch For
