Friday, October 29, 2010

More Than 100 Alaskans File As Write In Candidates To Thwart Lisa Murkowski

Background- Joe Miller won the GOP primary to run as the Republican candidate for the Alaska Senate seat currently held by Lisa Murkowski.

Murkowski said prior to that win she would accept the results of the primary, until she lost. Soon afterward, Murkowski announced she would run as a write- in candidate to retain her seat in the Senate.

Recently Alaska Superior Court Judge, Frank Pfiffner ruled that a list of write-in candidates could not be handed out at polling sites, calling it a "clear violation" of Alaska's regulation. Immediately following the Alaska Supreme Court stayed that order and allowed polling officials to provide a list of write-in candidates.

I am not clear on the order of events after that but a number of people stepped up. Dan Reihl, wrote about the situation at Big Government, providing links to registration and financial disclosure forms to become a write-in candidate and KFQD 750 AM radio host Dan Fagan told his listeners "Rush on over there before 5 o’clock and register as a write-in candidate. Especially if your last name is Murkowski. That would really help the cause."

Conservatives4Palin also headlined a piece titled "Attention Alaska Readers: Assist Joe Miller Through 'Operation Alaska Chaos.’"


As of now, over 100 people have managed to put in their registration as a write-in candidate, list here of names.

More at The Politico and Anchorage Daily News.

Next Tuesday, midterm election day, promises to be a huge mess in Alaska.

Irony here would be if one of those last minute write-ins actually win.
