Saturday, October 30, 2010

"Canadian Fallen Hero" by Haggarty and Hutchings

Canadian Fallen Hero

Canadian Fallen Hero

From Canadian Fallen Hero Project:

Press Release

TORONTO, October 27, 2010 – Canadian Fallen Hero Project. In response to the unwavering support of the Canadian Troops, we have brought together two talented individuals singer songwriter Barry Haggarty and lyricist Harold Hutchings the originator of the project. Together they have created a truly heart felt song and slide video to honour the Canadian Military and their families.

“As a part of our ongoing commitment to provide support to the widows and orphans of Fallen Troops; we have created the - “Fallen Hero Project”. All proceeds from the sale of our song and video, or funds raised through sponsors or donations, will go directly to the Canadian Forces Personnel and Family Support Services.” – Harold Hutchings – Lyricist.


A Tribute to the Military and their Families. All proceeds from the sale of the song will go to the Support the Troops Foundation. Website address for donations is: "Fallen Hero Project" any ­donations over $10.00 will receive a receipt. You can purchase the song on iTunes –​ “Canadian Fallen Hero” -​ Barry Haggarty.


For many years we as Canadians have enjoyed the benefits from the sacrifices that our military have provided by creating a safe and a free society. This freedom comes at a price. We truly feel that we do live in the best country on this earth. All Canadians should be proud of the way our military have performed. This in our small way of honouring our troops.

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There is much more about this great project here at the Canadian Fallen Hero site. There was a news story about the genesis of this great song on the Haliburton Echo:
Song to raise funds for soldiers' families

By Jenn Watt

It was a trip down the Highway of Heroes that first inspired lyricist Harold Hutchings to pen the words to Canadian Fallen Hero, a nearly five-minute song honouring the lives of those who fought and died for Canada.

After witnessing the mixture of sadness and pride as the convoy passed along the corridor of Highway 401 between CFB Trenton and the Toronto coroner's office, Hutchings, who lives part-time in Wilberforce, had to get his feelings on paper.

"I pulled [the car] over afterwards and I started writing," he said in an interview.

The song starts: "Black car takes them to their new home/Green grass, flowers and rows of headstones/Proud soldiers who have fallen, women and men/And we pray it will end."

Those words would wait a few years until the circumstances were right to become a song – and music video – launching Oct. 27 online and on iTunes.

"I wanted to donate 100 per cent of the money" to help soldiers' families, he said, so it wasn't until he hooked up with songwriter Barry Haggarty that he was able to make the song happen.

Initially, the idea was to sell the song with proceeds going to the Military Families Fund, but the project kept getting bigger until it grew into a music video and website:

"It's getting bigger than I ever thought it was going to be," Hutchings said...

Read more here.