Saturday, July 24, 2010

Quinnipiac University Poll Shows 'Yes, We Can' Has Turned Into 'No, He Didn't' To Young Americans

The New York Post shows the results for the most recent Quinnipiac University poll and they are bad news for Barack Obama:

Obama is losing in a match-up against a generic Republican challenger by 37 percent to 34 percent among voters in the 18-34 age group, according to a stunning Quinnipiac University poll released yesterday.

In March, voters in this group approved of Obama by 54 percent to 37 percent.


* Obama's overall approval rating is 44 percent, with 48 percent disapproval -- his worst score ever in the survey.

* The president trails an unnamed generic Republican among all voters by 39-36 percent.

* Voters disapprove of his handling of immigration by a stark 58-30 percent margin, with 60 percent saying the federal lawsuit against Arizona for its tough immigration crackdown is a bad idea.

* Obama beats Sarah Palin 49-45 percent in a 2012 match-up.

* Thirty-seven percent of voters say the country would be better off with John McCain as president, while 35 percent said it would be worse off.

Critically important independent voters continue to drift away from Obama, and disapprove of him by 52-38 percent.


H/T Michelle Malkin.
