Friday, July 09, 2010

As Obamacare Takes Us One Way, Those Experiencing Socialized Medicine Heads The Other Way

As the Democrats and Barack Obama's healthcare plan aka Obamacare, works to add more bureaucrats into our medical decisions, the NHS (National Health Service) the UK utilizes, is about to take tens of thousands of bureaucrats out of their healthcare system which has proven to be completely unsustainable for them in the long run.

The Telegraph reports "Biggest revolution in the NHS for 60 years"

About £80billion will be distributed to family GPs in a move that will see strategic health authorities and primary care trusts scrapped.

The plan, contained in a white paper to be published next week, is designed to place key decisions about how patients are cared for in the hands of doctors who know them. Tens of thousands of administrative jobs in the health service will be lost as a result.

At present, funds are given by the Government to primary care trusts, which pay for patients from their area to be treated in hospital.

Under these plans, GPs — who are currently not responsible for paying for hospital referrals — would receive the money instead and pay the hospitals directly.

The change will be compulsory.

The Coalition hopes the new system will be less bureaucratic and give doctors and patients more control over treatment. GPs will also have to organise out-of-hours services, which may see family doctors offering 24-hour care once again.

Doctors and patients having more control of the medical decisions that affect individuals.... a system we have always had and one that Obamacare destroys.

The move to scrap the 150 primary care trusts and strategic health authorities, which cover a range of NHS trusts and supervise local NHS services, will come as a shock to Conservative and Liberal Democrat MPs.

The Coalition agreement explicitly vowed to “stop the top-down reorganisations of the NHS that have got in the way of patient care”.

As America heads towards socialized medicine where the government inserts itself into our very personal medical decisions, those that already have a socialized system are running as far from it as they can get.

One of the reasons, I am sure that as recently as July 5, 2010, 60 percent of American voters nationwide favor the repeal of Obamacare with 49 percent of those "strongly" favoring repeal.

Only 36 percent oppose repeal with 24 percent being strongly opposed.

Eighty-one percent (81%) of Republicans and 65% of voters not affiliated with either major party favor repeal; 56% of Democrats oppose it. Part of the doubt about the likelihood of repeal may come from the fact that Democrats could still control Congress after November.

American voters will just have to make sure that Democrats do not continue to control congress after November.
