Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Harry Reid, One Of The At-Risk Incumbents For 2010

Rasmussen shows that the pattern in Nevada with Harry Reid's unfavorable ratings and his trailing all Republican challengers in his upcoming bid for reelection, is continuing with Reid's numbers getting worse. (H/T Top of the Ticket)

The poll also shows that 62 percent of Nevada’s voters support repealing Obamacare, slightly higher than the national average which still has the majority of Americans wanting at least major portions of Obamacare repealed.

The new numbers show Reid trailing ex-GOP Chairman Sue Lowden 54% to 39%. Only four percent (4%) would prefer some other candidate while two percent (2%) are not sure.

Former Assemblywoman Sharron Angle has increased her lead over the Democrat this month and is now ahead 51% to 40%. Six percent (6%) would opt for another candidate and only two percent (2%) are undecided between the two.

Reid now runs a little closer with businessman Danny Tarkanian, trailing the Republican 49% to 42%. Six percent (6%) would vote for another candidate in this race and only two percent (2%) are not sure.

Reid is not the only incumbent in trouble though.


A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Arkansas, where opposition to the national health care plan is even higher than it is nationally, finds both Democrats stuck in the mid-30s. This suggests that the race continues to be more anti-Democrat in tone than pro-Republican.

Congressman John Boozman, State Senate Republican leader Kim Hendren, State Senator Gilbert Baker and former State Senator Jim Holt all earn 51% of the vote against Lincoln. She in turn picks up 36% support against three of the GOP hopefuls and 35% when matched against Holt.

A fifth Republican, businessman Curtis Coleman, leads Lincoln 48% to 36%.

In every case, the Republicans have gained support, while Lincoln, who earned 38% to 41% in the match-ups last month, has lost ground. Now her numbers are back to the lows she experienced in February.


Two of the three top Republican hopefuls for the U.S. Senate in Indiana continue to hold double-digit leads over Democratic Congressman Brad Ellsworth. Ellsworth supported President Obama’s health care plan in a state where opposition to the legislation is higher than it is nationally.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds former Congressman John Hostettler with a 50% to 32% lead over Ellsworth, a current House member who voted with most other Democrats on Sunday to pass the health care plan. The survey was taken last Wednesday and Thursday nights. Fifteen percent (15%) remain undecided in that match-up.

Ex-Senator Dan Coats now posts a 49% to 34% lead over Ellsworth, with 12% undecided.


With Kentucky’s Republican primary just six weeks away, both GOP hopefuls for governor earn 50% or more of the vote in match-ups with their chief Democratic rivals.

The Democrats find themselves with support in the mid-30s and face a tough situation on the health care front. Kentucky voters strongly support repeal of the recently passed health care law. In fact, just 30% of Kentucky voters think the health care bill passed by Congress is good for America while more than twice as many (62%) say it’s bad for the country.


For the third month in a row, likely Republican nominee Pat Toomey holds a nine-point lead over incumbent Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senate race.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in Pennsylvania shows Toomey leading Specter 49% to 40%. Five percent (5%) like some other candidate, and seven percent (7%) more are undecided.

While the media continues to push the "anti-incumbent" theme, claiming that it is incumbents that are vulnerable, some notable differences occur for some top Republican incumbents in Missouri, with Roy Blunt holding a lead over Democrat Robin Carnahan.

In Iowa, Republican Charles Grassley continues to hold a comfortable lead over his three chief Democratic challengers in the U.S. Senate race in Iowa.

In Georgia where Republican Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia now posts a 21-point lead against the Generic Democrat.

One of the more surprising races is California, one of the most liberal states, finds Democrat incumbent Barbara Boxer in a dead heat with former Congressman Tom Campbell.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds Boxer leading Campbell 43% to 41%. Six percent (6%) prefer some other candidate, and 10% are undecided.

A month ago, Boxer posted a 45% to 41% lead over Campbell.

California was thought to be "safe" for Democrats at the end of last year and now is considered a toss up.

Republicans will also pick up a seat in North Dakota Governor John Hoeven who will be running for Senate, holds a 68 to 25 percent lead over Democrat Tracy Potter in the race for that Senate seat.

The political atmosphere for Democrats is toxic to say the least and the media's theme of it simply being "anti-incumbent" does not tell the whole story.

At the moment, the country seems to be anti-Democrat after just one solid year of Democrats controlling the House, Senate and White House.
