In actuality Rasmussen was just ahead of the game and new polls, from different organizations, such as CBS News are not starting to catch up and confirm what Rasmussen has been seeing for so long now.
Barack Obama has hit new lows and continues to fall.
CBS headlines with "Obama's Approval Rating Dips to New Low," and yet another piece, specific to healthcare headlines with "Poll: Obama Health Care Marks Hit New Low."
President Obama's job approval rating has fallen to 46 percent, according to a new CBS News poll.
That rating is Mr. Obama's lowest yet in CBS News polling, and the poll marks the first time his approval rating has fallen below the 50 percent mark. Forty-one percent now say they disapprove of Mr. Obama's performance as president.
In last month's CBS News poll, 50 percent of Americans approved of how the president was handling his job, while thirty-nine percent disapproved.
As you can see from the trends shown on Rasmussen's page, here, Obama had not seen 50 percent in their polls since mid November and only for two days, and then not again since October sporadically.
So, CBS is finally catching up, vindicating the results of Rasmussen and showing that Rasmussen was ahead of the curve while the rest were well behind.