Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Brown On Senate Seat: 'It Is The People's Seat'

Via InstaPundit, during last night's debate between Democrat Martha Coakley and Republican Scott Brown, Brown was asked a question where the moderator referred to the Massachusetts Senate seat as "Ted Kennedy's" and Browns response was "with all due respect it is not the Kennedy's seat and it is not the Democrats seat, it is the people's seat".

Video below:

That key line is at the end of the 1:26 minute video.

Video speaks for itself.. good for Brown.

First side note- Boston Herald formally endorses Scott Brown:

If you love what’s going on in Washington, well, then by all means vote for Martha Coakley. She’s a perfectly nice person, and she won’t make a dime’s worth of difference in the balance of power in Washington.

But if you’re not happy with the status quo, if you think the way business is being conducted on Capitol Hill today is a disgrace and an affront to taxpayers, then you probably agree it’s time for a change.

Scott Brown can single-handedly deliver on that kind of change and the Herald is pleased to endorse his candidacy in the race for U.S. Senate.


New Martha Coakley ad attacking Scott Brown misspells ‘Massachusetts’

Amazing: Scott Brown about to raise $1 million for the day; Update: Done!

Coakley says no more terrorists in Afghanistan
