Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Babies Born In Toilets- Welcome to Government Run Healthcare

The UK has the NHS, National Health Service.

The National Health Service (NHS) is the name used to refer to the four publicly funded healthcare systems of the United Kingdom, collectively or individually, although only the health service in England uses the name 'National Health Service' without further qualification. (Via Wiki)

The Daily Mail shows some amazing numbers they obtained through Freedom of Information data for 2007 and 2008 from 117 out of 147 trusts which provide maternity services.

Some of those details show:

Latest figures show that over the past two years there were at least:

* 63 births in ambulances and 608 in transit to hospitals;
* 117 births in A&E departments, four in minor injury units and two in medical assessment areas;
* 115 births on other hospital wards and 36 in other unspecified areas including corridors;
* 399 in parts of maternity units other than labour beds, including postnatal and antenatal wards and reception areas.

Additionally, overstretched maternity units shut their doors to any more women in labour on 553 occasions last year.

Not enough beds, not enough midwives, not enough doctors and not enough space.

That is just dealing with maternity issues, remember the waiting lists, to which the image below says quite a bit.

Quote from Daniel Hannan, the Conservative MEP, about NHS (National Healthcare Service, UK, in a Fox News interview.

"I wouldn’t wish it on anybody. We have a system where the most salient facts of it you get huge waiting lists, you have bad survival rates and you would much rather fall ill in the US."

Moving right along to Canada, a reminder of how their Government run healthcare system is on the verge of imploding.

Welcome to the world of Government run healthcare.

With Obama and Democrats pushing hard for Obamacare, and liberal bloggers, shamelessly using Ted Kennedy's death to push their agenda, is it any wonder that for the first time in two years, Republicans are trusted more than Democrats on healthcare?
